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BlackPlex Bleach With Bond Protector

10+ levels of Lift (on most heads): Mix 1 part AC BlackPlex Bleach with 2 parts AC Enzyme Developer until you have a smooth creamy consistency.

Wait 1 minute for it to expand. Can be remixed for a second application if scalp condition and hair strength allow.

  • Leaves hair bright, healthy and conditioned. Low ammonia smell—smooth and easy to mix—dust free. Contains our PLEX—Polyamino Sugar Condensate for protection and restructuring.

  • Black (intense violet) Color—cools lightening tones—controls brassiness and yellow tones.

  • Speed—Lifts up to11 levels over virgin hair with Amore Colore 40 Volume Enzyme Developer; Can be used on the scalp with 10 and 20 volume developers.

Inside Tip: Use AC Color Balancing Shampoo before you bleach for a ‘cleaner’ lift.

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